
We Are Family! 5 Family-Friendly Spring Activities to Enjoy

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After being cooped up all winter, everyone is dying to get outside! As the weather warms, the spring season is a great time to take your family out for activities or plan something fun for you and your siblings. In fact, many family-friendly spring activities are budget-friendly and a great way to create memories with your loved ones.

Usually, families reunite in the fall and winter for the holiday season. However, it doesn’t have to be the only time of year you spend time with those you love. This spring, grab your little ones or hit the sibling group chat with group outings everyone can enjoy! If you need some ideas to contribute to the conversation, we’ve got you covered. Here are five family-friendly spring activities for the whole family to enjoy.

1. Have a day on the lake.

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If you are near a lake or a state park, consider spending the day there with your family. There are many activities to participate in while visiting the lake. Those who like to fish can sit lakeside while waiting for their catch. Be sure to bring some bread, oats, or seeds to feed the ducks. Additionally, you can set up a scavenger hunt for the little ones or organize an adult hunt if it’s just you and your siblings.

2. Go camping.

Camping is a great bonding activity for families, and spring is the perfect time for a night under the stars. If setting up tents and having bonfires is a little too much for you, glamping is also an option! Bring cards for an impromptu card game night to optimize your time with your family. Camping is an excellent option for families who need a little break from the hustle and bustle of life and want to relax.

3. Have a cookout.

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Barbecues and cookouts used to be the perfect way to get the family together. Although they may seem like a lost art, they don’t have to be! Even if you don’t have a grill at home, you aren’t out of options. Many local parks have grills available to the public — just make sure to sanitize thoroughly before and after use. To make it more interesting, have everyone bring their own dish. Cookouts are not just great for family bonding, but they’re also a cultural staple.

4. Go bike riding.

For families who love to stay active, rent bikes and have a family bike ride! Not only is it a great workout, but you also have the opportunity to explore nature with your family. Whether you bike around your neighborhood or use a trail, bike riding is one of the best family-friendly spring activities.

5. Take a photography walk.

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If you are trying to occupy your littles, take a photography walk! You can take pictures of nature using tablets, cellphones, or cameras. Head to a park with your kids and let them explore. Once they are done, you can print out their favorites and hang them on the refrigerator. You never know what amazing pictures they will take!

Spending time with your family doesn’t always have to be a movie or game night! Now that it’s springtime, get out of the stuffy house and get some vitamin D. Use these family-friendly spring activities to bring your family together.

Which activity will you be signing up for? Let us know in the comments below.

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